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Mexico’s Federal Telecommunications Institute Confirms Televisa is the Pay-TV Market Leader

Mexico’s Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT in Spanish) pointed out in their latest report that Televisa had 59.6% of the pay-TV subscribers by the end of the last period of 2014. This percentage includes Sky (39% market share and is the main Mexican operator), Cablemás (7.7%), Izzi Telecom (5.5%), Cablecom (4.7%) and TVI (2.7%).

The regulatory authority informed that the sector had 16.1 million subscribers by the end of 2014, 55% of which belongs to satellite based and microwaves (MMDS) services and the remaining 45% corresponds to cable and IPTV.

The second company with the largest share of the market is Dish (MVS and Echostar) with 15.6%, according to IFT, and close to Megacable’s 15%. The institute also informed that the Mexican pay-TV market had a 51% home penetration by the end of 2014.

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